An even better look at all four of Michael Bay's new Ninja Turtles
We were all pleasantly surprised
Here's a 1976 letter from Neil deGrasse Tyson to Carl Sagan
When Neil deGrasse Tyson
Gawker Your Kids Are Going to Be Hateful Xenophobes, So Just Give Up Already | Jalopnik Here's Video Of The Burning Georgia BMW M3 Exploding | Jezebel 'Tinderella' Is The Perfect Fairy Tale For Our Time | Kotaku Super Bowl Player Spent All Week Playing Pokémon | Regressing Facebook Data Show Just How Much Football…
Is Gambit the next X-Men movie, and does it already have its star?
Plus, there's a ton of rumors about the plot of Days of Future Past, including one involving parallel realities. And while Billy Dee Williams is up for Star Wars Episode VII, it looks like the Benedict Cumberbatch rumors can be put to rest. Chris Evans describes how Captain America and the Falcon meet in The Winter Soldier. Spoilers now!
A Scientist Who Writes Comics About the Secrets of Insect Life
ago, scientists relied on paintings and
illustrations of animals to learn more about their anatomy. Today, that biology-art
bond is as strong as ever. This is Carly Tribull, a PhD student studying the evolution of parasitic wasps
What the heck is this "chem web" draping an entire field?

This video from 2012 has been circulating again online, and there are still no explanations for it. It shows a field in England, covered by a mysterious web.
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